Download PDF by Richard Bogovich: Kid Nichols: A Biography of the Hall of Fame Pitcher

By Richard Bogovich

this can be the 1st full-length biography of child Nichols (1869–1953), who received 30 or extra video games a list seven instances and was once the youngest pitcher to arrive three hundred profession victories. a lot new mild is shed on Nichols’ formative years in Madison, Wisconsin, in addition to vital impacts and studies as dwelling in Kansas City.
Nichols’ specialist occupation is documented by means of drawing seriously from guides of the period and his personal phrases. The excessive regard during which he was once held by means of fanatics, teammates or even rivals is contrasted along with his contentious dating with crew vendors. Nichols’ interval of restlessness, ambition and risk-taking following his lengthy stint with Boston’s nationwide League staff is specified, as is the crusade to get him into the corridor of reputation. The booklet contains formerly unpublished pictures from his descendants’ records, many greater than a century old.

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Kid Nichols: A Biography of the Hall of Fame Pitcher by Richard Bogovich

by Richard

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